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Mittwoch, April 20, 2005

Opening the Mind

Nachdem der Adressat in persona nun feststeht, schreibt alle Welt ihm ins Stammbuch, was zu tun ist. Reformen in der Kirche fordern selbst Leute, die ansonsten Kirchen und Religionen sofort abschaffen möchten.

Benedikt XVI. wird vermutlich seinem großen Vorgänger darin folgen, dass er viel eher ein Reformprogramm für die Welt verfolgt denn für die Kirche. Einige Stichworte sind bereits gefallen. Catholic Analysis beschreibt die Herausforderung so:
Benedict has work to do. He knows it. He is fully capable of doing the hard work of engaging a Western world whose secularist mentality combines breathtaking ignorance with breathtaking technological advancement. And he will do that work marvelously. He will challenge the Western world to think again, open its mind, to learn to philosophize again. The secular, morally relativist mentality refuses to think and to even be open to differing and challenging points of view. It is not so much a matter of opening up the Church--the Church is always open to all and has a reasoned and wise answer for all. It is more an urgent matter of opening the mind of a secular world [...].

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